
剧情  美国  1987 

主演:奥黛丽·赫本 罗伯特·瓦格纳 Patrick Bauchau 




Elegant Baroness Caroline DuLac can usually be found on the concert stage, entrancing audiences with her piano virtuosity. So what is she doing filching priceless Faberge eggs, tearing through the Mexican desert with a cigar-chomping stranger, eluding a mysterious man in a trench coat and marrying a short, sweaty bandito? Audrey Hepburn (in her last leading role) and Robert Wagner provide the answers in this exuberant comedy-mystery with echoes of Charade, How to Steal a Million and more Hepburn classics. Any fan of the marvelous Miss Hepburn - or of smart romantic capers - will treasure Love Among Thieves.

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