
惊悚 恐怖  中国  2019 

主演:温淦棠 连坤 吴孟哲 阿龙 朝辉 吕晓萌 宗健菲 乔森 




This is a story about a psychologist, who is invited to participate in a reality show, and is asked to hypnotize three others as well as himself. During the process, his childhood trauma reappears. This causes him to create three \"selves\", parallel to Sigmund Freud's \"id\", \"ego\", and \"super-ego\"(himself), and he motives to kill the other three people. With the help of his girlfriend and Professor Wang, who excels in the studies of Chinese ancient civilization, and the wakening of his own consciousness, he finally overcomes the trauma and finds his true self. In reality, this is all part of his fantasy, but it feels incredibly realistic to him.

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